Grameen Digital Healthcare Solutions Partners with Pro-active Hospital to Enhance Diagnostic Support

Grameen Digital Healthcare Solutions (GDHS) has announced a strategic partnership with Pro-active Hospital to elevate diagnostic support and ensure better and faster access to healthcare solutions for all. This collaboration aims to bridge gaps in healthcare accessibility by leveraging advanced diagnostic services and digital health solutions.

Through this partnership, GDHS and Pro-active Hospital will work together to provide seamless diagnostic support, offering cutting-edge medical tests, quicker results, and improved patient care. Patients will benefit from enhanced access to healthcare facilities, digital reports, telemedicine consultations, and specialized medical expertise.

Pro-active Hospital is known for its state-of-the-art diagnostic facilities and commitment to patient care. This partnership with GDHS will ensure a more streamlined experience for patients, reducing wait times and improving overall healthcare outcomes.

As part of this initiative, GDHS and Pro-active Hospital will jointly develop patient-centric healthcare solutions, making diagnostics and treatments more accessible and affordable for the people of Bangladesh.

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